Hydrometeorological survey

Hydrometeorological surveys for construction must provide a complex study of the hydrometeorological conditions of the construction site and forecast of possible changes of these conditions. 







Hydrometeorological surveys include:

  • Collecting, analysis and generalization of hydrometeorological and cartographic data;
  • Reconnaissance survey;
  • Monitoring of the hydrological and climate regime, as well as occasional studies;
  • Study and evaluation of hydrological and meteorological hazards;
  • Processing of materials and defining of the hydrological and meteorological characteristics;
  • Preparation of the technical report .

ELGRAN performs engineering hydrometeorological  research as an inalienable part of complex engineering surveys for construction.



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Seminar "Technology and interpretation of CPT"

Engineers of Elgran Ltd. participated in organising and carrying of the scientific and practical seminar "Technology and interpretation of CPT"

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